Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. It is good that your CT head was normal and you are improving. However your
injury site swelling and pain are still present. The slowness in thinking could be due to pain and effect of injury.
All these symptoms will resolve with time. You should start your routine work and keep yourself busy, it will relieve your symptoms and take your attention away from these symptoms. To fasten relief, you can follow few other tips also
: Avoid mental stress
: You can play Chess/Sudoku or other puzzle game to enhance your memory
: You can keep a "Dairy" to write day to day work. Thus you will be able to do your routine activities
: Start exercise to increase pain threshold. Gradually decrease dose of painkillers which you are taking at present.
: For swelling, if it is decreasing in size you can wait. But if it remains same or increase size, you should
consult doctor and show it to rule out persistent hematoma/any pus collection. He/she will evaluate it and may aspirate it.
Hope it will help you. Still no relief, you should consult doctor.
Thanks. Take care.
Dr Ishu Bishnoi