I have been having what I think are anxiety attacks for about 6 months - normally when I try to sleep. I went to the ER once and they just diagnosed heart palpitations with an unknown cause. I didn't follow up with a doctor after, but decided to cut caffeine. Since then, I haven't had any attacks; its been about a month. But starting a few days ago I have had dull pains in one particular spot on my left chest, tension throughout my back, tingles in my right arm (like its falling asleep), and annoying non-painful twitching in my left temple, left upper jaw and chin. I also woke up with night terrors 2 nights ago and haven't been able to fall asleep until daylight 2 nights this week. I am confused. Could it be a heart problem? I also woke up with a head cold today. Seems unrelated to the other issues, though.
I am 25, no past health issues...