I have been having these spasms in my diaphragm, It feels like I need to cough all the time. and it feels like i cant get a full breath of air. The spasm also goes up to my lower throat. Its painful, but not too painful. The pain goes into my back between my shoulder blades. I am 34 yrs old, female. Had my gallbladder removed 7 mo ago. Recently recovering from sepsis after a kidney stone became blocked. I went to the er with a fever, 125 pulse, blood and bacteria in my urine. However my blood labs were normal, so the doctor didnt start any antibiotics until the next morning when I went into septic shock. I've been on IV antibiotics for 3 months and was finally able to stop them 3 weeks ago. I am doing great. No signs of infection. BUT... this spasm thing must end. I feel like I am going to vomit 24/7. whats wrong with me?