I seen Dr douglas Orr on many occassions while he still had his practice in Hamilton, ON. He was a very gentle and always took the time to explain things to me fully that I could understand what was going on with my spine. I started seeing him in 1999 when I was 19 yrs old. He then booked me to have a 3 level fusion, internal fixtation, decompression and a bone graft in early 2003. I ended up pregnant so resheduled my surgery for a later date. But then I became aware that he moved his practice to Ohio :( . Since then I have not been able to find a back specialist that is willing to take the time he did to figure out what was wrong with my spine. I have seen over 9 drs and he was far the best I had ever seen. Now when I go see a dr and explain to them what Dr. Orr had explained to me about my back they look at me like I have no clue and that I am just making things up. I actually had one dr call me dillusional, which was very frustrating for myself and family. Dr. douglas Orr told me that I have DDD, herniated discs, spondylosis with spondylolisthesis grade 2 with definite narrowing of the lumbar spine. He also went on to explain to me, that when I feel on my spine in 1997, I sent my immune system to my 4th lumbar vertebrea, and as he called it, my 4th lumbar wasnt hooked up to my immune system so the computer in my body didnt reconize my 4th lumbar and started attacked it thinking it was something foriegn in my body and now it is dissolving. But when I tell that to any new doctors, not specialist as I cant even get an appt to see one, they all look at me funny. So nothing has been done on my spine since I have seen Dr. Orr. I have had a few xrays, and mri s over the last few yrs but nothing ever comes from it. My back has been getting worse over the years as I get several bulging discs a yr, to the point where my lower back swells right up, looks bruised and has red looking pin marks all over, broken blood vessels, to the point where I cant even move. And that just happens if I twist the wrong way, bend the wrong way or even get out of bed the wrong way. It has became very stressfull and depressing. Thank you, barbra Bois age 31 Ontario,Canada