I am diagnosed as ckd patient, normal BP, creatinine between 1.8 and 2.4 fluctuating at intervals of months over a year. Recently, have swelling at the ankle joins, and urine froth since the treatment started. Doctor is changing medication often, some having nothing to do with any of my discomfort. I am 73 years, take morning walk and yoga for more than an hour. The medicines recently given are: concor 2.5 mg, Rosuvas 10 mg, tide 10mg., febutoz 40mg,sompraz d-40,. Test reports indicated: fasting glucose: 100.0mg, serum urea 45mg, serum creatinine . 2.40mg serum sodium 141mg. Serum potassium, 4.80meq.uric acid 4.0mg. Total cholesterol 246 mg/DL using chod pap. Triglyceride175 total cholesterol / hdl 2.9 . LDL cholesterol 136, hdl 86 mg/8 DL. Etc. No ECG, no usg or other tests conducted so far. Am I in safe Hands?