YoUare are having confluent and
reticulated papillomatosis...as you said.
you are taking
minocycline, but causes allergy, ok .. I will suggest some other medicines.
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis is a rare disease typically affecting young persons.
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis is characterized by grayish blue hyperkeratotic papules, usually located on the trunk.
The lesions coalesce to form confluent plaques centrally and a reticular pattern peripherally.
The eruption is chronic with exacerbations and remissions.
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis is responsive to treatment but frequently recurs after discontinuation of therapy.
You should try oral retinoids in low dose...like cap
isotretinoin 10 mg daily.
Antifungal tablets and cream can reduce the lesions.
calcipotriol cream may give good result.
Other antibiotics may be tried.
All these treatment should be taken under observation of
I hope you got my answer.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD