During a lengthy hospitalization in 2007 for PE, DVT & rt-sided CHF — Type 2 Diabetes was diagnosed. HGA1C was 7 with glucose levels off the meter over 500 for over a week during extreme control of carb intake and constant administration of insulin injections. On several medications, including 40mg/dy of Prednisone. For 4 yrs (2007-2011), 5 shots of insulin administered per day (NPH: 100 units & Regular: 5-17 units on a sliding scale). After extreme diet changes and a little weight loss, all insulin was stopped and Prednisone was eventually tapered to 1mg/dy without any medical supervision. When HVA1C was tested, results were under 6. QUESTION: No longer considered diabetic? Is diabetes cured or just in remission while symptoms are under control?