I appreciate your query.
polycystic ovarian disease is a clinical condition in which two out of the following three should be present :
1. USG appearance of
polycystic ovaries - echogenic stroma, with multiple follicles and bulky ovaries measuring each more than 10 cc in volume.
2. Irregularities in periods - delayed periods or no periods without medication.
3. Metabolic components such as excessive hairiness, impairment in blood sugar etc.
ultrasound picture that you described definitely is indicative of PCOD.
However, please rule out any menstrual irregularities, as well as other investigations such
as Serum FSH, LH, on day 3 of the period,
Glucose tolerance test, SHBG, DHEAS, TSH , fasting serum insulin etc.
A proper prescription and examination by a gynecologist is essential to thoroughly investigate PCOD.
PCOD poses a problem in conception and pregnancy, although it is not impossible.
It is basically a state of
anovulation, where no mature follicle is released each month for fertilization by the sperm.
There are various modalities of treatment such as
weight loss and lifestyle / diet modification.
2. medications such as
metformin etc if indicated by the investigations and suggested by your doctor on consultation.
3. drugs and further treatment for ovulation and conception as indicated.
It is a complex clinical condition, which requires proper diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.
You have not mentioned the age of the patient, however it is not advisable to delay conception for long as she is having PCOD.
Hope this guides you further.