Considering your height and weight you are under weight. Before attempting to gain weight by the false, harmful,
hormonal and advertised products, you must do investigations to find out any cause for under weight. Hereditary plays a major role.
Do basic blood tests like TC, DC, ESR, Hb, Sugar,
Thyroid profile and Urine analysis + X-Ray chest PA view.
If you have a low appetite, and frequent
diarrhea - find the cause
If any problem is found treat the cause.
Do moderate Gymnastic exercise to maintain your
muscle tone and to increase the appetite.
Healthy nutritious + high protein and green vegetable diet is advised.
Protein and Vitamins can be supplemented.
A course of anti amoebic and anti worm treatment can be taken.
Take hygienic diet, plenty of not contaminated water and maintain the time schedule of your diet.
After consultation with your Dr you can have Anabolic
steroids - only if absolutely indicated.
Wishing you speedy weight gain,