how do i know if i had skitzophrenia? i dont want to go to a real doctor so that he can blame things on "stress" or "horemones" or whatever, just to eat up my parents money. but for the past couple of nights its been an angoing process of hallucinations and paranoia that follows me througout the day. like today i was so paranoid at everything that i wanted to eat lunch by myself. last night i felt my skin crawl and it felt like something was eating me and tickling me at the same time, pain/joy? very much so, its very wierd and my doctor thought i had pheochromacatoma which is a tumor in your adrenal gland, and my other doctor thinks i might have addisons disease, but my symptoms are spinning, shaking, dizzy, palpatations, sweating, im ALWAYS tired no mattter how much sleep i get. . .
please help