Hello there, I have been suffering from nausea, abdominal pain (mainly in upper parts), bloating and some other symptoms for more then 3months now (it comes and goes)..I have seen my GP, they did some tests (blood,urine,sugar levels) - everything appears to be normal. When I told them that I have been taking ibuprofen for more then a year on daily basis and been bing drinking consequently, they have assumed it might be an stomac ulcer, or (based on the other symptoms like cramps when pooing, bit of blood on the tissue sometimes) I could have IBS..I have been prescribed with Omeprazole 40mg/day 2weeks ago and after few days (5ish) of taking it I started to feel better. I am on strict diet (mainly soft food, no coffee/alcohol/citric fruit...) and I feel ok-ish...I have another 2weeks of omeprazole then, if it doesnt settle they will send me for an endoscopy (which I want to go for anyway, in case its more serious like stomach cancer or..)..but my question is, is it ok to exercise for me now?I have ruled out sit-ups,running and other activities that are about to affect the stomach area, but i was considering plank and some light exercises (push-ups,rope jumping etc.) could you give me an advice on that please?thank you