Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. The tingling sensations along with dizziness in head could be "Transient Ischemic Attack(TIA)" if previous episode was considered like Stroke. In TIA, there is decrease in blood supply to brain due to blood vessel narrowing along with increase in demand of oxygen by brain. The decrease in blood supply leads to
sudden dizziness, visual blurring, focal weakness of limbs which may persist for few hours to days. All these symptoms are reversible as soon as brain gets blood according to its demand.
Problem occurs when TIA leads to "ischemic stroke" or permanent loss of blood supply and permanent brain damage. It happens if TIA are ignored.
To diagnose TIA, you have to
consult doctor. He/She will advise doppler study of neck vessels, angiography of brain vessels,
lipid profile, blood sugar, BP monitoring and cardiac work up. It will confirm vessel narrowing,
diabetes mellitus,
atherosclerosis. Further treatment will be decided after reports.
At home, you should follow few tips
: Avoid mental and physical strain
: Morning walk
: If you are a known case of
hypertension, decrease salt intake and fatty food.
: Eat green leafy vegetables
The doctor will prescribe medication like lipid lowering drugs, blood thinners like ecospirin, brain protective drugs.
: Another cause could be hypotension, benign positional vertigo(BPV) or some vestibular apparatus disease -
Hypotension means low BP. It can be easily managed by increasing salt intake with water. Do exercise daily to increase basal tone.
BPV or vestibular apparatus disease is due to inner ear vestibular part damage. It is evaluated by
ENT specialist by doing few tests like Hallpike test, Dynamic visual acuity test. Further treatment will be decided after reports.
Hope it will help you. Still no relief, you should consult doctor.
Thanks. Take care.
DR Ishu Bishnoi