Hello and thanks in advance fr any light you may be able to shed. I suffer from dizzy spell not alway spinning, ear and eye pressure that has caused hearing loss / tinnitus and blurred vision on left side of head. This all began 3 years ago while on vacation, I had quit smoking 2 years prior and got hooked on chewing nicotine gum, I chewed every waking moment. I spit a piece out and immediately put in a new piece. when this started I was driving back to the hotel, I was of course chewing my gum then there was a loud pop in my left chaw shot a sharp pain to my ear then I looked to left to check my mirror and boom thats when dizziness hit. went to emergency they thought I was drunk but assured them I had not drank a drop that day. Dizziness subsided the sent me on my way. been to numerous doctors, ents, neurologist, ear specialist, had doplars, ct scan, mri, no tumors nothing, going to see a head and neck doctor next that specializes in tmj. Any ideas would be great. I quit chewing gum almost immediately afterwards.