Hi I m a 16 year old male, never ever in my life have i felt so exhausted,tired,sick in my life for so long. Its hard to explain what Ive been experiencing for the past 5 months. Ive been trying to diagnose my self, im no doctor but came to conclusion that i am suffering from adrenal fatigue. I remember this past summer i was working out a lot every night , barely any rest, and i think i did this to my self. I learned that we have adrenals that are small organs above the kidneys and play a major role in our bodies. Ive been feeling nausea all the time no matter what especially when i eat, a lot of gas , and decreased energy. I tend to sleep in school a lot and its affecting me. I think my symptoms have become better now. But im not fully recovered. My left adrenal hurts more than by right adrenal just by touching it. Can you tell me what diet should i be having and any other helpful recommendations? thank you