Thank you for the query.
As per the information provided, you are 28 yrs old (gender not mentioned), with a BMI of 22 kg/m2 (within normal limits) and no known comorbidities. A single Random blood
glucose reading was recorded at 187mg%.
One high reading of blood sugar, may not be sufficient to diagnose as
Diabetes mellitus. You need to go for a complete blood sugar screening, which should comprise of Fasting blood sugar (which should be more than or equal to 126 mg%), 2hr Post Prandial blood sugar (more than 200mg%) and HbAic (more than 6.5%). The values indicated in the parenthesis are the cut off values. I would like to know whether you suffered from any conditions like
Urinary Tract Infection, which increases the risk for Diabetes and also whether you have a family history of Diabetes.
Since, a single high reading has been recorded, please follow a dietary regimen, avoiding refined carbohydrates.
Please do visit your primary physician, who can perform a thorough check up and advise for the blood investigations.
Hope this helps you out.
Dr. Ayusmati Thakur