hi and pleased to answer you
menstrual hemorrhage or
menorrhagia are
menstruation that last more than 8 days
and/or change every hour.
women must of course consult her gynecologist to know the cause of the hemorrhages.
Here are the main causes of menstrual bleeding:
THE FIBROME or fibroid, most common cause of menorrhagia.
THE ENDOUTERIN POLYPE. the polyp of the cervix never gives hemorrhage, the polyp of the cavity does.
endometriosis localized to the uterine muscle. This benign but very disabling pathology starts at the youngest age. From puberty, the menstrual periods are abundant, painful and worsens after each
pregnancy, curettage, abortion. There is a relief when taking pill. Intra-uterine device redoubles hemorrhages. The adenomyosis is clearly visible on
ultrasound but it is necessary to have a well-trained eye. Some ultrasound radiologists miss the diagnosis.
HORMONAL DISORDER, there are ovarian hormonal problems and in recently regulated young girls and in peri menopausal women. In both cases are hemorrhagic increase because there has been intense production of estrogens without compensation by
progesterone. The endothelial or endometrial mucosa was pushed unrestrained. When it falls during menstruation, hemorrhage increase. The diagnosis is easy to make: there is no fibroid nor polyps nor adenomyosis on ultrasound and the thickness of the endometrium is greater than 8 mm.
I urge you to consult your gynecologist before installation of anemia.
best wishes