I woke up in December unable to bend my toe. a few weeks I felt shock at the pad of my foot. I began having neurological issues.looking back it all began in September. I was feeling fatigued and I kept having pressure in my ears and behind my right eye. my foot is now changing colors when I take a shower it s always but is now beginning to turn red and blue or red black and blue. I feel like blood is rushing to it sometimes. I feel pain when I try to walk on it sometimes. I also have muscle spasms throughout my body or or my muscles are jumping throughout my body. I have sharp pains in my head constant ringing in my ears pain behind my ear stabbing pain in my temple area and in my ears.I have brain fog sometimes I ll go somewhere forget what I m supposed to be doing. I even had one moment where I was in the shower and I lost my hearing and my vision was fuzzy .first night vision came back and then my hearing came back shortly thereafter. It was ringing really loudly. I can t think of any other symptoms except my hand was shaking really bad after a shower. I do have migraines facial pains my hips pump but I walk up and down the stairs and I have lower body weakness. I have been to two orthopedic doctors, two podiatrist, a spine specialist, a neurology, PCP and scheduled to go to another neurologist and a neurologist special as well as a spine surgeon. I have had a MRI of the brain that was clear and the MRI of my lumbar spine. The report showed spinal stenosis and epidural Lipomatosis. The spine specialist looked at my lumbar MRI and thought my spine looked fine. he believes it is neurological. the podiatrist felt it could be RSD my orthopedic doctor and PCP felt it could be MS. But no one knows for certain. I also had an EMG done and it showed that I had something wrong with my back. currently I have pain in my neck oh my spine between my shoulder blades and tightness in my lower back. Do you have any idea what could be wrong? Sincerely, Tamika