Thanks for writing to HCM
You have increased
dyslipidemia with increased SGPT,GGT,SGOT,uric acid and TSH.
You need proper clinical examination and few more investigations.
Investigations include routine hemogram,RBS(Random blood sugar),LFT(complete
liver function test),Renal function test(RFT),
Ultrasound of abdomen.Further investigation can be done if needed.
You should take tablet
Ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg twice daily for three months more.It will correct your SGOT and SGPT .
Ultrasound of abdomen is very important in your case,so you should go for it.It will screen your liver.
SGOT is non specific and it increases in many conditions.
Your uric acid is also mildly raised.You should totally avoid purine rich diet like red meat,beer,bakery products etc.
Cook food in olive or canola oil.
You should avoid
saturated fat.
If uric acid is persistently raised even with precautions then you may need medicines.
You need to increase your physical activity as obestiy may be the main reason for your problems.
You should take lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet.Increase fibre intake.
You can also consult dietitian for diet regime.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
Take Care
Dr.Indu Bhushan