Hello Ramesh
There are bilateral hilar and basal bronchial congestion i.e.
bronchoconstriction or
bronchospasm in the portion of lungs ( bilateral or both lungs ) from where blood vessels,
lymph nodes enter and leaves i.e mid portion of lungs .There is also congestion of bronchi in the base of lungs .
This type of congestion occurs due to
allergy to certain allergens , these are ,pollen , mite , dust , fine dusting powder , hay , fodder, sudden increase or decrease of temperature , certain drugs.
These allergen produces bronchoconstriction ( as in your case on both lungs and in the base of lungs ( bilateral hilar and basal congestion ) and this bronchoconstriction causes bronchospasm , hence there develop cough ,
bronchitis etc.
Now about the C B C report ) clearly mentioned that eosinophils count is high ( normal 2-5 %) , and this is due to allergy and bronchial congestion.
Lymphocytes ( normal 20-40 -45 ) . This is non-specific , so don't bother about that .
In my opinion you are having allergic bronchitis , so consult your physician and get his opinion.
Good luck.