I ve had something wrong with me for a good month or so, my symptoms have either morphed into a different kind of pain in the same area or a new symptom appeared out of nowhere. Symptoms since the beginning (from what I can remember) are as follows: shooting electrical pains, some cramping, tingling from my inner hip bones down to my knees. This would normally target the muscles, not bones, and would get worse in the evening/at night. Also, when I would eat or drink anything, usually soon after I woke up or sometime after the early afternoon hours, I would hear ringing in my ears accompanied by loud electrical zapping (?), which I got a visual of as well as it was happening. The image never changes, it always looks like crooked, metallic horizontal lines that somewhat resemble lightening. mood swings, left flank discomfort, I developed palpitations, increased heart rate and blood pressure, irregular heart beat. Later I experienced a feeling of hot water running through my veins, sporadic headaches, leg symptoms now were going down to right above the ankle which then included my feet a few days, up to a week, later. Now I have intermittent chest pain, signs of circulatory problems in my toes and fingers, only my left leg is being affected by occasional numbness tingling, the muscles are somewhat tense and spasm quite often, my back hurts, left flank still bothering me, problems and inconsistency with my heart, strange irregularities with vision that come and go, new found blood in urine with a good amount of another setiment-like substance that separates from the blood and sinks to the bottom and doesn t mix with the water, yet I m not having problems or pain when urinating. i went to an urgent care center a week ago, they took blood and urine samples and also an xray of my abdomen. All the results came back and I was told I was constipated and have a wbc count of 14.4. I don t understand what s going on with me and every time I try to look up anything about my symptoms, it comes up with more conditions than I could think of as possibilities. Any advice or thoughts, or suggestions? I m desperate at this point!!