My girlfriend has been sore for the past couple days even just sitting in certain positions or sometimes while walking. She showed me last night and her clitoris is white, and there are white lines when she lifts her clitoris hood running down about an inch and a half from close to her clit towards the opening of her vagina. There's also a bluish/greyish growth either on or close to her clitoris. (she only showed me once and briefly because she was embarrassed). This growth isn't like a bump or anything either. She also just shaved her pubic area, and gets really close around that area so she thought it might have been some form of irritation from that? Her concern is hpv or just a yeast infection, and any of my understanding of std's is that usually there is a discharge, or a bump/pimple-y white growth, but she doesn't have anything like that. We were just on vacation together and maybe some of the antics in the pool? Maybe one or both of us wasn't showered from the pool and that's just an infection from that?