Hi. Sorry to hear about your Spouses neck issues. I'm glad you guys have gone through the first step of getting an
MRI done! That's very important.
The next step will be for you to go to the NeuroSurgeon and show them the MRI. They will do a full, thorough neurological examination on your spouse and see if the symptoms that they are suffering from match up with the problems seen on the MRI.
If They feel that these things match up, then the next thing they will discuss is IF surgery is right for you in this case. Depending on whats wrong and also depending on your spouses general health they can help you come to a decision as to whether surgery is an option or not.
Surgery is NOT always the answer in spinal issues. Sometimes weightloss and
physical therapy are effective, other times pain management specialists can take over and guide therapy with medications.
Make sure you have your MRI films with you when you go to the NeuroSurgeon. Also it would be a really good idea to write down the name and dosage of any medications your spouse is on before you go. If surgery is indicated, then they are going to want to see they are on any blood thinners and other medications that can cause bleeding during surgery.
I hope this helps. Thanks for coming to HealthCareMagic.com
I hope your visit to the specialist is a good one and I hope you guys figure out what needs to be done.