I am a 43 yr old white female, weighing about 160, 5'5 height. I have a stent in my subclavian artery (right) due to a 3 inch blood clot received after having a right rib resection because of vascular thoracic outlet syndrome. My right lung collapsed as well. I had these surgeries in 2011. I have no use of my right hand and arm. I saw a neurologist and had an EMG done and there was a lot of damage. The vascular surgeon and neurologists are good friends. The neurologist told me my nerves would regenerate. Well, I got severe RSD and now am disabled. As for my other health history, I have factor v Leiden with a history of DVTs, medullary sponge kidneys. What can I do?? If I have another surgery, I risk another clot. I spent many months in physical therapy to no avail. Thank you kindly.