For about a year now I have had intermittent, varying, and moving pain. Initially I was having pain in my right love handle that would move around that area and varying in pain, sometimes like the whole love handle itself which was very painful and felt like stretching it, sometimes felt deeper like on my pelvic bone or on the side of love handle. My pain seemed to be exercised/ activity induced. I began feeling that to me my whole hip area, what a commoner would call the hip area would ache and ache. Then it started aching more frequently just after long day at work. I tried a Zumba class in February to test it out because the pain was intermittent and I also tried to less active, after two classes of Zumba soo much pain, in the hip and love handle more pain than any time. A few months before I did Zumba I got a MRI they OrthoNY, saw nothing, no conclusions. After Zumba and the intense pain went to primary care explained all, he sent me to Nero surgeon, got x ray said I had dried disc in low back, got nerves checked, nerves fine. Was having hip pain, love handle pain,and low back pain varying in intensity from moment to moment, day to day but was fairly low at this time, been a month or so since Zumba episode. So Neuro surgeon say ok do conservTive treatment phys therapy and epidural shot. I went in for shot but told docs I tend to get severe anxiety and faint 90% of time with needles. So they wouldn t do the shot. (I passed out during an allergy test before lol) so I went for 8 weeks to physical therapy, pain remains intermittent but low. I wasn t sure if I was getting better or if it was going through a period of low pain in general. But I began to have other symptoms my thigh and calf and foot all on the right side have started to ache and continues to ache sometimes seemly constant but sometime real low pain, varying again. Also I ache in the hip area and low back and butt area, right side. And very recently I have felt in a move or twist it feels like for a second that a mistletoe is pulled out too far like pulling, like if I were a plastic doll that was held together from the inside by a stretchy band and my leg is being pulled outta place. But I had hip X-ray at ortho too and they said it looked ok? But then again they didn t notice my dry disc. My right leg is my dominant leg. Sometimes my leg has hurt so bad I end up stretching it purposely, stretching the thigh, calf and Achilles tendon. It aches. Here s my wondering, a few years ago I stretched my right leg too far and inside my hip area I had a sharp painful pain and it would have been the smart thing to do to go back the direction I came but I stopped in pain and kept going. I wonder if I have a tear in the ligament or if those ligaments from the leg musles that go to the hip and pelvis if they are twisted up. What do you think? Help, all my doctors have given up. My primary doc told me not to come see him about it anymore cuz he can t help me he says go to the Neuro surgeon. But he can t do abything else either her had a two way street for the conservative approach and I already did phys therapy and can t do the shot. And that s all trial and error he admits too. We see a dry disc but maybe it s true I have a dry disc but maybe it s not the culprit of this crazy pain. Help!!! Thank you for your time and concern!!!