hi i am 28 year old my height is 5 1 and weight 64 kg( my period cycle 40 day ,after my d&c,last year September i went for d&c )on the basis of 30 June 2011 test -my thyroid is 5.43 and have polycystic ovary i am trying to get pregnant doctor give me medicine(chromiNAC-A,Felonine,thyronorm 25mcg) for my thyroid and ovary problem.my periods came on 28 June last month(5 day period) but today(17 July) feeling like periods,its not like my normal periods,its very low bleeding .what should i do ?is it very serious?can i do skipping for weight loss .what is positive % of my pregnancy.my husband sperm count result normal(sperm count 98mill/ml).is my medicines are ok?