Hi Welcome to HCM
I am Dr Suchda handling your query. You problem of
pain in feet .Thank god you you don't have any health problem On going through your query I feel you are little over weight and need to shed 10 to 12 kg of weight for your height . That will be ideal for you .
But no hurry , if you achieve this target within six months .That will be great . For first few days you will find it difficult bur afterwards you will find it interesting .
Start it today . little jogging , set of Yogasan - Butterfly , Cycling ,Bhujangasan ,Shalabhasan , Pashchimotan , Katichakar Makarasan Ardhmatsendriyeasan , Pavanmuktasan , Halasan . & Suryanamaskar - a set of 11 kriyas 3 to 5 times
Panayam gives you new leaf of life . Deep Breathing- Sit straight - Inhale - Hold - Exhale - Hold .
Do select a few of them . Jogging and suryanaskar is a must along with others
Be care full -Exercise is to be done empty stomach
You must rest awhile in between the activities
Keep control on your diet Avoid Fried and fast food Take more of salad- raw veges &fruit as much as you want and cereals only once a day add skimmed milk & curd to your diet .
A lemon juice in warm water is a must , first thing in the morning .
constipation , if you have .
to accelerate the process of weight control
Lac-def 200 4 pills weekly for 6 weeks
Phytolacca Berry Q 10 Drops 3 times for a week stop for a week / again take for a week ,
Hope this will give you relief from your problem . I would very much like to know about your progress , at least fortnightly . Wish you good health and happiness ever after . Don' hesitate to get back in case any further query
All the best