hi im on the paragard bitrh control and im having alot of problems going on such as this time im spotting on my 3rd day of my cycle and that never happens, and filling sick to my stumach, i have been having alot of bad headaches , ive never been the type to break down and cry if someone looks at me and sayes what, and im so tired even when i try to go to bed i cant sleep, i stay up till 3 or 4 in the morn and turn around and wake back up at like 8 every day i have sever craps, no energy, im so tired and all ove a suden im having suicide thoughts.? what is going on is it the paragard birthcontrol? my doc looked and did an ultra sound a while back and said its in place everything is fine and gave me sleeping pills , but the pills ain t helping. what should i do? please help?