Question: I am an 79 year old man. I have had cat scans,
MRI s. today will have a small bowel drink, and then have to wait for two or three weeks for a pill (capsule)
endoscopy. Symptoms, I had 3 g I bleeds, two while on blood thinner, the third not on blood thinner or asprin. Presently loosing weight fast. loss of appetite, was about 300 lbs, and now about 35 pounds lighter. I had endoscopy,
colonoscopy, and other mri and cat scans. dr. says they find only divertiu disease. I am not as strong as I was. I am reasonably smart, MSW, feel they are missing something, had a look for worms, they found some about 7 months ago, then a few weeks ago, said no worms.
I feel my strength and health are going down fast. with all drs. being on the same information, on line, no one has anything else to say. My internist is reasonably fine, but it seems to me he and the gastro people have no where to go.....