My 92 year old mother in my care for 13 years died of septic shock . I did not know anything about this even being a concern because of how careful I was , the only thing she said is that she was very tired. I took her to her urologist before Thanksgiving to see if she had a UTI and they said her urine looked alright, however they sent it out for the lad to test it further. Now I feel I should have taken her to the emergency room, What did I fail to miss? She seemed fin e at Thanksgiving, ate very well, but the next day I had trouble waking her up, I took her to the ER and they put her in ICU, she died the next morning, I have lost my best friend not just my Mother, I feel I am responsible,
what did I do wrong? I am torn apart by her awful suffering struggle in hospital, what did I miss?
Iwill join next month so when I get paid around the third. Please save my question.