What are the major health benefits of honey?
Honey is loaded with variety of nutrients than just adding sweetness in your special dishes. From the nutritional purpose, it’s a main source of carbohydrate but yes it contain other nutrients too. As per U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA), a 100 grams of honey give you 82.4 grams of carbohydrates, 6 mg of calcium and 52 mg of potassium.
Read below to know about some marvelous benefits of honey:
· Relief cough and cold: - We often seen honey is frequently use to prevent cold, cough and sore throat and release mucous it is due to its antibacterial properties.
· Wound healing properties: - Honey commonly used to heal wound and mild to moderate burns because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities.
· Neutralize free radicals: - Honey loaded with powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenolics, thus it helps to reduce oxidative stress and prevent from free radicals.
· Enhance gut health: - Honey could be wonder for your gut health and improve digestion, due to presence of prebiotic.
· Prevent acid reflux: - It supports stomach and esophagus by blocking upward flow of stomach acid, thus prevents from acid reflux, a clinical research suggests.
What are the 6 harmful combinations of honey?
So far we all know, how honey is beneficial for our health if you are taking in a right way.
Let’s see, some worse food mixture with honey which could be toxic:-
1. Honey with hot water: - Taking honey with hot water on an empty stomach is the most common practice amongst overweight people. But do you know honey convert into toxic at 140 degrees. According to study published by NIH 2010 . As per research it’s also has been proved that due to presence of natural sugar, heating a honey could produce 5- hydroxymethylfurfural or HMF which is carcinogenic and transform into toxic.
2. Honey with meat and fish: - Honey should never be eaten with any non-vegetarian item specially meat and fish. And for the safer side it must be avoid before or after taking any non-vegetarian item at least for one hour. Consuming honey with meat and fish may cause difficulties in digestion and make your stomach upset. Skin related problems like white sports also has been observed in number of cases.
3. Honey with garlic: - Mixing honey with garlic could be a harmful combination for your gastrointestinal health. This mixture may cause digestive discomfort and acidity. Also many people are allergic to either garlic or honey. Thereby the combination of these two may give negative impact on your digestion.
4. Honey with sugar: - you must heard that mixture of honey and sugar is great for skin to exfoliate. But did you know eating them together acts as a poison. Remember if you take honey, do not eat sugar for at least the next one hour. Honey and sugar both are top most high calorie foods, a reason of number of health issues such as diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and many more. Hence, taking them together can do disaster with your health.
5. Honey with ghee: - Blending honey and ghee with each other may convert into toxic form on a high level. A study published in 2020 by Toxicology Reports , a professional researchers did experiments on rats. The study concluded, besides being toxic, this mixture also responsible for weight loss, hair loss. In addition, red patches and inflammation also has been notice on the ears of rats.
6. Honey with cucumber: - If you usually enjoy your salad with honey, well you just keep enjoy it. But make sure do not add cucumber in your delicious salad bowl. Cucumber is cool and diuretic by nature when we mix it with honey it may lead many health issues and disturb your digestion, thus avoid mixing cucumber and honey together.
What are the best honey combinations?
Now let’s checkout, what goes best with honey!
Honey with Greek yogurt or plain yogurt:-
Yogurt is a great probiotic. Combining yogurt along with goodness of honey could be a power pack of nutrients. It can be safely consume and charge up your immunity so well. A little honey can drizzle your bowl of yogurt. Let’s give a try to this super delicious combination, your gut will surely thankful to you.
Honey and nuts:-
A mixture of honey and nuts will provide you bundle of health benefits.
Besides its super delicious taste, this mixture loaded with various nutrients such as biotin, omega3, protein, vitamins and minerals. So before looking for any unhealthy munching, must give a try to this snack. This will be your favorite snack forever!
Honey and ginger:-
If you don’t like taste of ginger as such, try it with honey. Combination of both these ingredients boost your immunity. It’s been magical home remedy from centuries of years for sore throat and nausea. In addition, it helps to improve digestion and relief cold.
Honey with lemon: -
Have another great combination of lemon and honey. Both are excellent source of vitamin C which uplift your immunity and helps to fight with several infections. Additionally, its great detoxifier also, helps to aid in weight loss and promote clear skin.
Pairing honey with any ingredient is not a right way, it could be harmful than giving you benefits. Combining right food with honey convert it into superfood, make more nutrient rich. So, look for the best honey combinations which boost your health and enjoyable too!