The puberty in males may start between 9 to 14 years. The change sin puberty in males are brought about by hormones. The hormones are the male sex hormones called
androgens secreted from testes. The
hypothalamus releases
gonadotropin releasing hormone.
This hormone act of anterior part of pituitary and releases the hormones which causes growth of testicles to produce testosterone. This rise in hormones leads to the physical changes in the males.
Physical changes in males during puberty
- Genitalia and pubic hair: In the initial stages the scrotum grows larger and there will be reddening of the skin and there will be texture change in the scrotal skin. Pubic hair starts growing at the base of penis. The scrotum increases in size, the penis increases in length. Most of boys will have their first ejaculation.
- Pubic hair becomes darker, coarser and curlier. The penis continues to grow and there will be formation of head of penis. The pubic hair grows like a triangle around the penis and spreads to the thigh.
- Growth: Puberty increases the growth spurt. The head, hands and feet are the first thing to grow. Later followed by arms, legs. Finally the shoulders, torso grows with the rest of the body.
- Breast development: There will be slight breast growth in boys.
- Voice change: The voice deepens. The voice box or larynx grows.
- Acne: The sebaceous glands start secreting more oil and as a result he pores are blocked leading to acne.
- Body hair: Facial appears mainly over upper lip, upper parts of cheek, below the lower lip, chin, underarms.
Precocious puberty in males: In this the boy starts to mature below the age of 10. It can occur in testicular tumors, early maturation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
Delayed puberty in males: It means not achieving puberty even after 14 years in a boy. The causes are systemic or chronic illness, genetic defect, and intracranial lesion.