Psoriasis Questions & Answers

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3209 10 Wed, 9 Mar 2011
Is there any cure for psoriasis? I have a little psoriasis on near my ankle and am very afraid that it will increase a lot.
957 5 Sat, 17 Dec 2011
Good evening, Sir.I am 28 yr old man & suffering from Psoriasis from past 6 yrs! I have been on all types of corticosteroids including Methotextrate & Zempred too! Over these years & have had interim reliefs as well. However, i have got the outbursts of the psoriatic skin n lesions all over on my...
746 5 Tue, 8 Mar 2011
I am affcted by psoriasis on past 5 years. I feel so depressed. pls suggest a good skin doctor in Chennai.
1370 5 Mon, 16 May 2011
199 4 Wed, 18 May 2011
hi, my dad is 80 years old. he is suffering from psoriasis since 25 years. he is totally bed ridden because of hip bone surgery afterwards he couldn t walk. now his psoriasis is increased a lot. his skin is become totally dry and full of black patches on arms and legs. he is suffering a lot...
157 4 Thu, 12 May 2011
sir im 25 years old ,suffering for psoriasis . Though i have been taking medicines from many years but its never completely gone. Some doctors even told me that this disease is cured but only for few months and after that it will again show signs that means according to them its life long...
1135 4 Wed, 2 Mar 2011
Hi. I think I have a psoriasis at my labia majora. It s very itchy and burns in pain when scratching. How can I treat this? Is there any drug you can advice me?
155 3 Sat, 13 Apr 2013
dear sir I am suffering from Psoriasis for the past one decade.I am currently only using Propysalic ointment and one mosturizer. I feel nausea when i take methotraxate. I have also tried Homeopathic and ayurvedic medicines but none seems to work. Currently my condition has worsened and the...
115 3 Mon, 25 Feb 2013
how can I prevent my psoriasis? I have it on my skin and scalp . I m a 24 year old male and I have this since I was about 13 years old. I m using an effective ointment, anti-inflammatory and it s very effective but it s too expensive. Is there any methods or medications that I can use so that I...
165 3 Wed, 6 Jul 2011
Hi sir, i am facing a problem with Psoriasis from past 10 years..Now my age is 22....Its really painful not for physically but mentally... Really is there any solution to stop this disease or if we have any permanent solution to cure this...? Please tell me the solution..
190 3 Mon, 16 Jan 2012
r last 5 months.. it is getting worst day by day. right now i am taking homoepathic treatment. help me out please hello Dr. this is nisha here.. i am 26 years old female..i have been suffering from psoriasis for last 5 the starting i was taking alopathic medicine but it did not bring...
732 3 Thu, 30 Aug 2012
my mother is suffering from psoriasis from last 6 years. please tell me what diet should she have? what should she eat and what should she avoid? kindly tell me how to maintain her digestion? and how to stop this disease because it is very painful.
1464 3 Thu, 25 Aug 2011
sir i am effected by scalp psoriasis. Is any shampoo in india to cure scalp psoriasis
800 3 Sat, 20 Aug 2011
Hi, I have query about psoriasis that is it curable? And what are the possible treatments ? Thank You In Advance. Best Regards, Harish
199 3 Thu, 6 Jan 2011
I have suffered for the past 10 years with psoriasis in scalp now i am using detoxifiying machine for reduce the psoriasis but there is no permanent cure please help i consult with so many doctors at all top class hospitals but no remedies. can you tell me the suggestion to cure this psoriasis in...
589 3 Sat, 17 Dec 2011
I've never had psoriasis, but 2 years ago I had Guttate psorriasis athe age of 34yrs. It lasted for 3-4 months, it was terribly itchy and I scratched until it bled. It went away, but left terrible skin deep dark marks. I've tried almost every topical cream and oil available, but I still have the...
790 3 Fri, 7 Jan 2011
Hello Sir, My son is having a dried skin and getting cut often and he is having this since three months and since 10 days we are applying t-bact and we felt it got reduce but again it got cut and getting pain. Is it psoriasis?
3 2 Wed, 25 Oct 2017
My sister is having psoriasis problems since 18 years and having diabetes too she was visiting p k banerjee since 18 years it was curing nicely and almost gone bt now again it started coming out due to may be diabetes so please advise me what to do sir.
46 2 Wed, 28 Jan 2015
my dad has severe sorasis on his feet they are so thickwith dry skin and bleed alotand are always hurting him my mom will bandage them up with all sorts of products nothing helps I need to find him so good sock shoes and medication for his feet I need help
46 2 Thu, 29 Jan 2015
Hi, i suffer with psoriasis, usually outbreaks are rare, but usually it follows a pattern first I will get it on my ankle, then my lower back then foreskin and other genital areas, then it will go. I usually use betnovate on most areas, but i m not sure if i can use betnovate on foreskin or other...
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