Siddha Questions & Answers

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2 1 Fri, 30 Sep 2022
Am a 24 yr old. I had unprotected sex with my husband in sept and had unwanted 72 pill within 48 hrs after about 12 14 days i got my regular periods but the bleeding was very less just like spotting. This month my periods were to b on 12th oct but m nt yet menstruating. I took a pregnancy test...
181 1 Mon, 11 Aug 2014
Hello Dr. My friend (age:32)got married two years before. She used get severe pain during periods as she had chocalate cyst in her ovary and the same was removed thru Laparoscope surgery. Again after one year she got the same problem and went for another laparoscoper surgery. After surgery she is...
101 1 Mon, 21 Jul 2014
I am having pcod problem in both my ovaries and this is third year of my marriage life .i still not conceived. Now I am undergoing siddha treatment along with varmam.when will I age is 28 & weight 70 kg and height is 160cm. Before siddha I was undergoing english medicines for 2 years.
402 12 Fri, 2 Aug 2013
Hi doctor ,I am a girl at the age of 20 years. I was suffering from severe caugh and vomit. I took tablets given by a doctor and took several tests that indicated increased eosinophil count due to allergy . Now I am better tha previous months,but yet suffering from cough. How to completely...
362 3 Fri, 2 Aug 2013
SONOGRAM REPORT Name ; Vijayasundari (age 27) WHOLE ABDOMEN 1.The liver is normal in size and shows uniform echotexture with no focal abnormality. 2.The gall bladder is normal sized and smooth walled and contains no calculus. 3.There is no intra or extra hepatic biliary ductal dilatation. 4.The...
8771 7 Fri, 2 Aug 2013
hello sir i took medical check up to join in the field of aviation during urine check up i had trace of albumin so i can t able to continue my test please help to how the trace of albumin in the urine be reduced
723 3 Fri, 2 Aug 2013
I would like to know weather HIV Aids can be cured by siddha?
361 6 Fri, 7 Dec 2012
sir iam 29 yrs male, i suffered vdrl prob how i can solve it doctor i alreday had tablet and injection also but till now my prob con solve so plz kindly help me sir
457 11 Tue, 4 Dec 2012
am 21y f here suffering from veezing for past 6 months siviyarly so kindly advice me, i sleep mostly in after noons ,in night time i could not able to sleep.dust is also making to veez for long time am so much sencitive person so need ur advice
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