Veins and Arteries Questions & Answers

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11 4 Thu, 23 Jun 2016
I am a 71 year old man,born and living in Venezuela, 110 kg weight and 177 cm height. I am a patient of deep venous thrombosis (left leg and partially right leg) since 2004. I take every day warfarin (1x 5 mg) and daflon (2x500 mg) and use permanently compression stockings. I am going to fly to...
10 3 Thu, 23 Jun 2016
I went to diabetes clinic on Tuesday and they gave me a blood test. It hurt all day on Tuesday and bleed a lot. Then Wednesday came and it was still bleeding but not as often. Now it is Thursday and it still hurts a lot and it still bleed but only when you put preasure anywhere on my arm. It also...
3 2 Fri, 31 Mar 2023
Very tender where Achilles’ tendon meets heel bone. Can’t push toe down to walk. No bruising. Somewhat swollen. Does not hurt when sitting. Did not feel a trauma just started to get sore. Did go up and down ladder many times one day and could hardly walk the next day. Is it possible to slightly...
3 2 Fri, 31 Mar 2023
Hi, I had a dvt 12 years ago. I would like to know if I need to take a clexane injection for long flight travel. I m not on any meds for blood thinning and haven t been for 10 years. Thank you
53 2 Tue, 12 Jan 2016
I broke a blood vessel in my left finger 4 days ago. The whole finger turned colors-red and blue. No much swelling. Today it s throbbing more, aches more, and is a little more cold to the touch than my other fingers. Should I be concerned or let it run its course? Thank you. Jackie
37 2 Thu, 7 Jul 2016
Hello, I currently have sinusitis (inflamed glans under the ear, sudden headache when I move my head forward, blocked nose etc) and have had it a few times in the past but at the same time I have developed an angry red spot on the side of my head which is painful to the touch. The spot is at the...
12 2 Wed, 31 May 2017
My dad is 97 and is complaining about cold feet when he goes to bed at night. The doctor he goes to won t give him a straight answer. I need help as what to tell my dad he should do. I have already told him to seek out another doctor, but of course that doctor must accept Wellcare. I don t want...
13 2 Mon, 20 Jun 2016
I got my foot caught under a chair & compressed the top of my foot. It burned and hurt for a few minutes. Now I have a big blue swollen vein on the top of my foot that is hurting. I ve had ice on it for the last 15-20 minute. Do I need to do anything further?
32 2 Fri, 22 Apr 2016
My dad injured his right wrist while moving furniture. He heard a pop and had instant pain. He went to the hospital and had an xray. The doctor said he did not have a fractured wrist, but he thought he tore some ligaments. He has a purple lump at the wrist with a purple line running up his arm....
13 2 Mon, 20 Jun 2016
I have been getting numbness in both of my ands, mainly the right one. In the last two days I have noticed the vein over the back of my right hand and leading to my wrist is more swollen than usual and aching. I can have numbness in the hand even if I am actually lying on the opposite side.
14 2 Wed, 22 Jun 2016
Hello, I am writing this on behalf of my Dad. He is 84 yrs old, has temporal arteritis and lives in the UK. He has been on corticosteroids for about 3 years now and has been on a very low dose for a while (2.5 to 5mg, sorry not sure) having started on a dose of 60mg. I live in Perth, Australia...
14 2 Thu, 7 Jul 2016
Hello. five days ago I went to the ER had a buldging vein on the inside of my right leg straight across from my knee cap almost behind my knee it was hard and hurting a little and skin was red all around the area . They did a ultra sound and found that all my veins were wide open but right were...
12 2 Thu, 7 Jul 2016
I normally have prominent or noticeable veins. I have what one phlebotomist referred to as best friend veins. However tonight I noticed that all of my veins not only on my arms and such but also all over my chest and even on my stomach and side are way more pronounced than normal. Could this be...
71 2 Tue, 29 Sep 2015
i sufferd from a trombosedpile back two years ago that is still there but that aint the problem ive recentlynoticed that on theside of the pile on the inside of thebum cheek ive notice that there are 3 hard pee size lumps under my skinnot onmy ass but on the inside left bum cheek they puss...
154 2 Mon, 18 Aug 2014
Have been diagnosed with Caratroid Artery neuologist has declined to operate says that this is the newest information from a symposium he attented 98 percent of patients stroke out getting an operation or after by the way he has not even seen me and only talked to my primary Dr....
8 2 Mon, 15 May 2017
Hi, i recently read about this new treatment that makes it possible to change brown eyes blue, the reason why you can do it is just because that brown eyed people has a blue layer beneath the brown one, so i was wondering if it s the same with blue eyed people, do they have any other pigment...
34 2 Tue, 5 Jul 2016
I m pregnant with twins and just started bed rest. I m 32. 234lbs. My question is I noticed the vericose vein the side by my right knee buldged a bit tonight and now every time I stand or walk to put pressure on it it aches. I ve been elevating it and it feels good. So what should I do? How...
17 2 Tue, 5 Jul 2016
I have this tickle in my veins on my left arm and sometimes in my neck; mostly I can feel it in the vein in the bend at my elbow; sometimes I feel it in my neck also on the left side; it usually goes away after awhile but it does concern me there may be an issue I need to be aware of
14 2 Thu, 14 Jul 2016
the veins over my forearm is not tubular as it should be has some knots like round appearance at approx. 2-3 cm intervals..not usually visible at rest..appear after stress,pressure application should i get worried or not? age-24 ,height- 155cm, weight-52kg
13 2 Mon, 8 May 2017
I went for a run tonight and my ankle was hurting slightly and also the inside of my lower leg and a couple of hours later I noticed that a vein had become very blue and sticking out slightly. It s quite a thin vein but noticable and it has a sharp pain. Is this something to worry about?