Mirena Inserted. Sharp Pain In Stomach With Twitching Eye. What Is Causing This?
Thanks for writing to us.
Since you have been on the Mirena since the past 4 -5 years, and have never experienced problems , it is highly unlikely that the symptoms you have described are because of birth control.
Birth control is associated with weight gain sometimes, but not the drastic amount that you mention, and it is definitely not sudden, and not towards the fag end of the device you are using.
Stress, anxiety and irregular eating habits might cause sudden weight gain. Its not about how much you eat, but the timings and the quality of your meal that matters. Binge eating, skipping meals, eating foods with high glycemic index etc are some culprits.
Fluctuations of thyroid hormones might be a cause.
Depression causes sudden weight gain at times.
Certain medications are known to cause weight gain, but you have mentioned that you are not taking any.
Polycystic ovaries are common in your age group, and it is a condition known to be associated with obesity and weight gain and impairment in blood sugars.
About the twitches in your abdomen, there are a few causes for that also
The muscles in your lower abdomen might cause the twitch due to dehydration, stress, anxiety or exertion, and if you are a lean person, these maybe easily felt by you. Local blood vessel pulsations can be felt as a twitching, but you can diagnose this, as they coincide with your heart beat.
The bowel / colon movements - normally called peristalsis, might be felt by some persons as a twitching in the lower abdomen.
The shooting pains over the ovaries is not normal and might indicate some kind of pelvic infection, cysts in the ovaries or disease in the appendix etc.
Since you have non specific symptoms, which might be due to a variety of reasons, please consult your Gynecologist for a complete pelvic and abdominal check up, reassessment of the Mirena, as well as an ultrasound and other blood tests that she might feel are needed based on above conditions.
Take care and feel free to ask for further clarifications.