Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Any kind of
hernia is aggravated by certain factors.
Walking, lifting weights etc is definitely going to increase your hernia.
There is always a risk of strangulation inside the hernial sac.
Until your doctor confirms the diagnosis, it is best to avoid any precipitating or trigger factors.
You can definitely continue working as long as there is no strain involved.
Avoid lifting weights.
Try and not have
constipation, straining at stools.
Many people live with a hernia for years, but once it is suspected, best to avoid worsening it.
Also, try and have surgical correction as soon as possible.
If your job involves standing , try and take frequent breaks when you can sit down.
If the pain at any time flares up, go the ER as it might indicate strangulation.
All the best.
Take care.