Hello, The first day of my last period was Jan. 9th. My husband and i had unprotected sex a few times mid cycle My period was due Feb. 6th, but i had no usual pms symtoms (sore breasts, mild cramping). Both my cycle and symptoms are extremely regular. Did a HPT on Feb 7th, negative. For the entitre week leading up to my expected period, and even now, i have had fairly strong stomach and low back pain constantly, kind of like i had during my pregnancy in 2009-10. I also had an usual drip from my nose (may be totally unrelated). I did another HPT on Feb. 9th, negative. I also got a very light period on Feb. 9th, which lasted 3 days in totally. Much, much lighter, and shorter than my usual periods, although i noticed a few small blood clots twice. I also had my naturopath do a blood test on Feb. 13th, no hormone present. I ve continued to have pain in my stomach and low back, as well as an increased appetite and cravings, weight gain, bloating (i look 5 months pregnant) and fatigue, since about Feb. 1st. I also feel like i need to urinate all the time. I woke up last night about 3am with severe excrutiating stomach pains and rolled out of bed and drug myself to the bathroom in hopes of the pain being caused by diarrhea. i sat for a while trying to go to the bathrrom. I felt like i was going to throw up, but felt the pain was too much for me to do either (bowel movement or vomit). my lower legs and arms started to get tingly and i got the chills. Finally i had a bowel movement and then lots of diarrhea. the pain in my stomach definitely decreased, and i crawled back into bed and eventually fell back asleep. i am back to feeling the regular stomach and back pains that i ve been feeling. I am not sure what is going on with me, but something is definitely not right. I have read about ectopic pregnancy and spontaneous abortions, but not sure aboutbeither. i just know i dont feel right and anything is possible. 40 years old, had my first and only child at 37, she was born 5 weeks early by c-section. any ideas?