Last Monday, I had a right laparoscopic oophorectomy to remove a large cyst and a twisted fallopian tube . They looked at my left ovary (which also has a tiny cyst) but decided that looked healthy enough and left it alone. During surgery, my doctor also removed some adhesions from 2 previous c-sections. I was sent home an hour after I woke up from surgery and was having a LOT of pain. Turns out, I had internal bleeding in my abdomen (abdominal hematoma , I think they called it). I ended up in the ER and my blood pressure went extremely low, tachycardic heart rate, shock, etc... They kept me overnight, and when the bleeding stopped (on its own, thank goodness !!) my heart rate and blood pressure came back up to a more acceptable number. Now, at home I am having a LOT of pain in my abdomen, low grade temps of 99-101 feverish feeling and the worst headaches I have ever had in my life, and some serious black and blue bruises around my belly area (from the hematoma, maybe ?). I called my Dr and she said the temps were nothing to worry about unless they were over 101 and scheduled me an appt to see her in a few days. I don t know what is normal at this point due to the complications. I still feel weak and sore and not sure what I should be doing or not doing. Plus, we have an anniversary vacation planned for next week and I am not even sure if I should go 2 weeks after surgery. Will it even be ok to fly ? Please help :(