I'm in my late twenties with overall good health. three weeks ago i had a head cold that went away after about five days. a week after that, I had headaches and swollen lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. My doctor prescribed antibiotics in case it was a bacterial infection. I finished the 5-days of antibiotics last Friday (it's Thursday today). the glands that were swollen went back to normal. i broke out in hives a day after my round of antibiotics was over. i presume those were allergies. the hives were itchy yesterday. along with the hives, i also had a non-productive cough, nasal congestion, mucus at the back of my throat, a bit of a hoarse voice. prior to starting my antibiotics, i noticed a small node in my clavicle region (above the collarbone) that was swollen. i was freaked out, so i started monitoring it. it is pea-sized, movable and painless. i don't have a fever, night sweats, weight loss. however, a month ago, i spent some time hiking and had itchy skin for the two weeks I was hiking. that's the part that concerns me, because I've read that itchy skin is a symptom of lymphoma, and perhaps it wasn't allergies or something else that was causing the itching. i did break out in hives at one point during that period, too. the lymph node i'm concerned about has been swollen/enlarged for a week, and my doctor says I should watch it and return if it's still there in a week or two. BUT, I feel convinced i have lymphoma and i would rather find out sooner rather than later.