Depending on your body and your hormones, you may get your period every 20 days or every 35 days.
Many women also experience
irregular periods in the form of a missed period , continuous period, or periods that occur twice in one cycle.
Hormonal imbalance , stress, poor diet , extreme weight ,
thyroid problem, pcos also can cause irregular periods.
PCOS causes cysts to form on the ovaries and the symptom of this syndrome can cause weight gain, acne ,
excessive hair growth etc.
If you have only been experiencing irregular periods for a short time [ less than 7 months] , it is likely that your periods will become regular again on their own.
AYURVEDIC remedies along with healthy lifestyle and food habits, can decrease irregular menstural cycle.
EVECARE SYRUP 20 ml daily twice
Take M2 TONE tablet twice daily.
Consumption of green unripe PAPAYA can also normalize the periods.
My advice is .
Involve physical examination with
blood test,
ultrasound ,and biopsy test.
Surgical removal of polyps or fibroids may also be done ,if required.