Hi, I have a tumor , on my left cheek, under my ear, its not cancerous, but it keeps getting bigger, and now protrudes. I have had it for years, but it was much. much smaller, now it has grown and is effeecting my looks? I got an appointment with a surgeon, he took ex-rays, and MRI , etc, Then he told me that the surgery was dangerous, because if he happen to cut a nerve, my left side of my face would be likely frozen. I was very schocked to hear that...I ask him if they did not do surgeries like this with pin-point accuracy??? He knew nothing about it. I am reluctant to have him poerform surgery now..and do not know what do. Any suggestions? If you do no t have a different answer than the one my surgeon gave me, why should I Pay for advice from you. Unless you know of a safe procedure, I am not interested in hearing the same thing from you that I heard from the surgeon??? Sorry for being so blunt.