Hello rashmi.bhattacharyalko
Welcome to Health Care Magic
Metpure xl contains
metoprolol which is a good anti hypertensive drug. You are having BP in normal range now, so you should discuss with your doctor regarding decrease in the dose of drug. Secondly you are not getting adequate sleep. For proper sleep one has to improve
sleep hygiene. Like
- Fix the timing of sleep, go to bed only when you have to sleep
- Day time naps to be avoided for now
- Take warm water bath in evening
- Have light meals in night, don't take tea or coffee or any aerated drink in evening
- Don't watch television or read on bed. Use your bed only for sleeping
- Light exercise in evening is also beneficial
- Don't think that you are not getting enough sleep. Thoughts of sleep on bed further decreases the chances of getting sleep.
If your sleep not improve by these methods then visit a good
Psychiatrist for expert opinion, as lack of proper sleep increases the likelihood of all other psychiatric disorders. Various medicines like
Melatonin are available which are non addicting and safe.
Dr. Seikhoo Bishnoi