Hi. My 18-month son has been battling recurring fevers since July 5th of this year, typically 5 days of fever, 5 days of no fever, then fever returns again. He has no other symptoms (no cough, runny nose, etc). We took him to the doctor, and was always diagnosed as a virus (one we were told Roseola , once Hand Foot & Mouth). His fevers run very high, 105.9 at its highest. My concern is the number of fevers/ viruses he has had over the past 2.5 months. Due to my concern, my doctor ordered a CBC with differential and ESR and C-reactive protein test. I was happy to see no abnormal results with the ESR and C-reactive protein tests. However (and this is basically my question), his Eosinophilis Absolute level was extremely high. Normal range is listed as 15-700 U cells/MCL. His number was 1510. What could this mean, and is this something I should be concerned about, considering reading Google is never a good thing? Thank you for your time.