You are 53 year old, female with
depression, but at this moment seems all right (whether due to use of any psychotropic medication or resolution of familial problem I don't know as you have not mentioned).
Your current problem as you mentioned is
paraesthesia in the form of pins & needle sensation (..In your own word funfunni in hindi) particularly in the legs below waist that is quite disturbing to you for a sound sleep but not present during day hours.
Well, the reasons for pins & needle sensation in a 53 years old lady can be varied. Prominent Medical causes that need evaluation include
hypertension, diabetes & thyroid dysfunctions. Chronic drug usage can also be responsible for such nasty pins & needle sensation. Among the psychiatric illnesses, Depression, particularly of Somatized variety can present with many physical signs & symptoms. Prominent manifestation of Somatized Depression include Diffuse
Body Pain, Pins & Needle sensation,
Lack of appetite, Stomach ache,
Indigestion, Joints Pain,
weight loss or gain etc..
In your case ....
[1] A history of depression
[2] Pins & needle sensation only on bed not during the day hour ( Which indicates your mind remain busy during day hours)
....both the above suggest psychological basis for your symptom.
Now as an mental health professional , first I will like to investigate you for blood pressure, blood sugar & thyroid hormone levels. At the same time a close review of any drugs particularly psychotropic you might be taking for your depression, is needed. If after the above two immediate steps, if the cause for the symptom still remains not clear, evaluation of your depressive symptomatology is needed with optimal modification/ addition of antidepressant medication.