Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
You seem to have inflammatory acne, since you mention that they are pus filled.
If I was the treating doctor I would have started you on
Oral antibiotics for inflammatory acne.
My choice of oral antibiotics would have been
Azithromycin. It can be continued as pulse dosing regime for 8-12 weeks depending on the response.
Topical treatment options that I use in my patients of inflammatory acne are
benzoyl peroxide gel and
clindamycin gel. They can be used separately at different times of the day and are also available in a combination (clindamycin 1%+benzoyl peroxide 5% gel).
Scalp psoriasis presents as thick scaly patches. A coal tar+
salicylic acid based shampoo is standard therapy for scalp psoriasis.
Since psoriasis is a steroid responsive dermatosis, therefore, apart from the shampoo, I also ask my patients to apply topical potent steroid+salicylic acid lotion. Salicylic acid helps to loosen up scales and allow better penetration of the steroid.
These are all prescription medicines (oral as well as topical), therefore, I would suggest that you seek an appointment with a
dermatologist for the needful
Acne as well as psoriasis are chronic conditions and there can be recurrences, therefore the need to follow up with your dermatologist regularly. Your dermatologist will tell you more about these conditions in detail and treatment options available.