HI,I had my blood tests 3 days ago and i had some changes in my white blood cells:-white blood cells: 3.5 (normal:4-10)-RDW :16.8( normal 12-16)-white blood cells:3.5 (normal:4-10)neutrophile: 1.3( normal: 2-7)-basophils: 0.11 (normal:0-0.1)
All other blood tests were ok. My haemoglobin was fine but i had a little bit lower iron level.I had had an E coli infection and i had taken antibiotics 10 days earlier my blood test. Also during 2011 i had 4 times urinary infection and i had problems with Candida caused by so many antibiotics.One day before my blood test i had taken a pill of Fluconazole for treating Candida.I am 27 years old, i have 51.5 kilos and 175cm. I always have been a skinny girl. I do fitness 3 times/week and i usually eat: 300grams of yogurt with 200 g fruits at breakfast, turkey breast or fish( 200g) with vegetables and a slice of rye bread at lunch, after 2 hours 400 g of cherries and at dinner i eat omelette (one egg and 3 whites egg), cottage cheese and cucumber.
Do i eat to less?
WHY do you think i have all these changes in my blood tests?
Do you think i have tuberculosis or leukaemia?
Are these lower white blood cells a big and dangerous problem?