Hi, My sister has had a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy With removal of the omentem and lymph nodes as treatment for adenocarcinom in the uterus and removal of a tumor in the ovary With the same type of adenocarcinoma cells. It is unclear if the cancer had metastasised from one Place to the other. The stage and grade are grade 2 for both ovary and uterus. If they are seperate tumors, the uterus has stage 2, and the ovary is stage 1 C. All cancer was removed With surgery and biopy revealed no spread of cancer anywhere in abdomen, lymph nodes, or omentum. Adjuvant chemo has been mentioned as treatment for me. I am very concerned about recieving chemo as I do not have a spleen. Is chemo advisable under these circumstances? Is there an alternative for me that is effective to prevent reccurance?