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Article Home Women's Health Abnormal Pap Test

Abnormal Pap Test

Pap test is a test in which the cells of the cervix are scraped or brushed off and prepared on the slide to examine under microscope. It is done to detect the changes which may lead to cancer.

Classification of pap smear results

  • Normal.
  • Probably normal with mild changes.
  • Pre-cancerous stage.
  • Invasive cancer.

Cause of abnormal pap tests

Symptoms in whom abnormal pap tests

  • Discharge from vagina with change in color, odor or texture.
  • Pain, burning or itching in pelvic or genital area during urination or during sex.
  • Sores, blisters, rashes or warts around the genitals

Abnormal pap smear have following grades

  • Class 1: Normal, no treatment required.
  • Class 2: Atypical which could be caused by inflammation or infection. In this case another pap smear may be needed or colposcopy needed.
  • Class 3: Dysplasia or pre-cancerous, low grade. Further colposcopy is needed.
  • Class 4: High grade dysplasia or carcinoma in situ. In this colposcopy is must with cone biopsy or LEEP procedure.
  • Class 5: Indicates invasive cancer.