Physical activity is an important part of the
diabetes management plan. During exercise the muscle use
glucose for energy. Regular exercises improve response to
insulin. This will help to reduce the blood sugar level. It helps to control weight.
Exercises in diabetics help to control their bodies, gain strength, courage and confidence. Exercises improves circulation mainly arms and legs preventing diabetic complications like neuropathy, diabetic foot. It also reduces the risk of heart diseases, stroke found in diabetics. Light activities like house work, gardening or being on the extended feet for longer periods can lower the blood sugar.
Tips before starting exercises
- Check with your doctor before starting exercises.
- Adjust the diabetic treatment plan as needed.
- Check blood sugar level before and after exercise to see if there is any hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
- Warm up before exercising and cool down afterward.
- Have a snack handy in case the blood sugar level drops too low.
- Use well fitted show to prevent blisters or sores on feet leading to infection and other problems.
- Drink plenty of fluids during work out.
- Stop exercises if you have breathlessness, dizziness, chest pain, excessive sweating.
- It is recommended to exercise at least three times a week for about 30 to 45 minutes.
- See to that your blood sugar is reasonably controlled before starting exercises.
- Exercises should be done regularly.
- Do not heavy weights. Straining raises the blood pressure and damage the blood vessel.

Here are some exercises for diabetics:
- Aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, aerobic dance or bicycling. If there are problems in feet or legs, you may consider exercises like swimming, bicycling, rowing or chair exercises.
- Aerobic tap backs: Start with the feet together. Tap the right foot to the back and return to center, tap the left foot back and return to the center. Alternate tapping the right and left foot back as you press the both arms to the front.
- Lateral raises: Start with arms at your sides with the feet shoulder length apart. Stand tall with the head in line with the spine. Keep the hips neutral. Raise the right arm to the side and up to the shoulder height. Pause at the top and slowly lower the arm back down to the side. Repeat with left arm. Alternate lifting and lowering the right and left arms.
- Warm-up or cool down with a back rotation stretch. Lie on the back and slowly drop both knees to the tight side. Make the arms to reach to the opposite side and then turn your head in the direction of arms. Holding the stretch, slowly bring the knees to th center and then gradually drop them to the opposite side and reach out the arms in the opposite direction.