Quincke's edema involves swelling of deep skin layers and fatty tissues under the skin as well as the mucous membrane.
The condition involves recurrent swelling of tissues, abdominal pain and swelling of the voice box.

Causative factors
Food related products for Quincke's edema associated with urticaria.
Drugs like penicillin, aspirin, phenytoin and others,
Infection- bacterial and viral
Venoms, medication and food can induce anaphylaxis in sensitized individuals.
Hereditary angio-oedema is an autosomal-dominant disorder associated with recurrent episodes of edema of the subcutaneous tissue without.
Onset is usually in early childhood but may be delayed even into late adult life.
Serum levels of C1-esterase inhibitor are either extremely low, or the inhibitor is apparently non-functional.
Symptoms and signs of Quienke’s syndrome
Skin swelling
Mucous membrane swelling
Abdominal pain
Voice box swelling
Joint pain
Complications and sequelae of quinke’s syndrome
Abdominal pain
Angioneurotic odema is a medical emergency, it always better to seek the medical help immediately
To give airway support in case of medical support
Anti histamines
Adrenaline in acute condition
C1 esterase inhibitors in case of hereditary angioneurotic edema